What does God look like to you ?
Before you picture him, you should know
that the warm feeling on your skin provided by the sun, is the touch of God;
that the fresh wind refreshing your mind and ideas, is the breath of God;
that a mamma gently singing to her baby, is the voice of God;
that the waters you dive in are the arms of God;
and the waves regularly breaking on the shore, are his heartbeat.
Thousand faces
I saw a thousand faces...
And I saw that they all had
2 eyes, a nose, a mouth,
2 ears, hair and skin all around.
They were all made of the same elements...
But they were all so different.
But the difference was not in how they looked like,
The difference was in the way they made use of what they had.
From these thousand faces,
None smiled the same way.
And I saw that they all had
2 eyes, a nose, a mouth,
2 ears, hair and skin all around.
They were all made of the same elements...
But they were all so different.
But the difference was not in how they looked like,
The difference was in the way they made use of what they had.
From these thousand faces,
None smiled the same way.
Street lamp
I'm grey and ugly
But I bring light to the city,
At the top of my one finger,
My head hangs over the passengers
Like a huge broken lucifer.
But I bring light to the city,
At the top of my one finger,
My head hangs over the passengers
Like a huge broken lucifer.
Le jour et la nuit
La robe de l'aube
Qui enrobe les roses,
Retient la brume
Que les ronces transpercent.
Et à travers la rosée
La nature se met à briller
Dès les premiers rayons de soleil.
Le vent s'arrête un instant,
Pour laisser place à l'évènement,
Comme il le fait avant un ouragan.
Les oiseaux intensifient leur chant
Et la nature entière se réveille.
Son énergie s'élève
Pour échanger avec le soleil
Le même inlassable discours,
Qui a lieu tous les jours
Depuis la nuit des temps.
Qui enrobe les roses,
Retient la brume
Que les ronces transpercent.
Et à travers la rosée
La nature se met à briller
Dès les premiers rayons de soleil.
Le vent s'arrête un instant,
Pour laisser place à l'évènement,
Comme il le fait avant un ouragan.
Les oiseaux intensifient leur chant
Et la nature entière se réveille.
Son énergie s'élève
Pour échanger avec le soleil
Le même inlassable discours,
Qui a lieu tous les jours
Depuis la nuit des temps.
Objects sensed,
And others sensing.
And everywhere,
Those who sense think they're greater than those who are sensed.
Only God knows that he's not more than a banana!
Des objets...
Des objets perçus,
Et d'autres qui perçoivent.
Et partout,
Ceux qui perçoivent se croient supérieurs à ceux perçus.
Seul Dieu sait qu'il ne vaut pas plus qu'une banane !
Objects sensed,
And others sensing.
And everywhere,
Those who sense think they're greater than those who are sensed.
Only God knows that he's not more than a banana!
Des objets...
Des objets perçus,
Et d'autres qui perçoivent.
Et partout,
Ceux qui perçoivent se croient supérieurs à ceux perçus.
Seul Dieu sait qu'il ne vaut pas plus qu'une banane !
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