What's this??

It's not that I see that the dead leaves in automn are yellow,
But I see what my eyes have felt - the retina receiving light.
It's not that I hear that the plane which passes by every day makes a lot of noise,
But I hear what my ears have felt - the eardrum waving deeply.
It's not that I feel the gravity of the Earth,
But I can feel that my body pressed on the Earth's floor.
Everything I see, hear, feel, or smell, is depending on my body's reaction upon the world,
Is based on how I react upon the universe...

This is where it all ended and where it all starts again,
Where the baby we once were ends, and where the new ages start.


Manif d'énergie

La vie/le plan physique est une manifestation de l'énergie en phase de concentration, et le feu/la lumiere/le divin une manifestation de l'énergie en phase d'expansion.
Et en tant qu'êtres vivants nous combinons ces 2 sortes d'énergie, pour nous permettre "d'écrire nos livres", et découvrir l'amour et le bonheur...
